
发布于: 2023-03-08 17:08
阅读: 53


愿景 Vision

Our vision is to develop an international community and give students the confidence to communicate in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. 我们的目标是创建一个国际化的社区,让学生自信的用英文、普通话和粤语进行交流


使命 Mission

The BKIK family develops international lifelong learners who strive to make a positive impact in the global community. BKIK大家庭致力于培养终身学习、对世界产生积极影响的国际公民

I am a BKIKer 我是天启人

As a BKIKer, I can speak English, Mandarin & Cantonese 作为天启人,我会说英语、国语和粤语 As a BKIKer, I inquire and ask questions 作为天启人,我懂得探究和提问 As a BKIKer, I care about the community 作为天启人,我关心社区 As a BKIKer, I watch, listen and learn 作为天启人,我观察,我倾听,我学习 As a BKIKer, I try to find solutions 作为天启人,我会试图解决问题 As a BKIKer, I want to find out more about the world 作为天启人,我想更多地了解世界 As a BKIKer, I am proud of where I come from 作为天启人,我为自己来自何处感到自豪 BKIKer’s are students today, leaders tomorrow 天启人是今天的学习者,明天的领导者






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